Wince Cab Manager 1.1 Deutsch Download

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  2. Wince Cab Manager 1.1 Deutsch Download

PocketPC GPS and NavigationPocketPC (WinCE) GPS and Navigation Softwareby: Dale DePriestWelcome to the site covering PocketPC (Pocket PC) products thatare related GPS or to Navigation. In some cases these products mayalso be used with WinCE palmtops. The terms 'pocket pc,' sometimescalled ppc, and 'WinCE' may be used interchangeably in this contexthowever some products may be specific to one platform or the other.This page was originally started by David Johnson, but I have takenover the maintenance and plan to expanded it significantly, as Iget time, to include a full collection of available products, tipsand hints to best use the hardware and the software, and reviews ofselected products. I also have a page devoted to running Palm OS and a.Table of Contents for Pocket PC.

main hardwarepage. no GPS support. Software Reviews. Hardware Reviews. (3000) GPS byNavman. GPS by Fortuna.

PDA with built inGPS. BluetoothGPSMapping programs for gps use come in two flavors. There areprograms that support raster, also known as bitmap, maps andprograms that support vector maps.

Please see my article onfor moreinformation on this topic. There are even programs that can supportboth types of maps.Note that the mapping products listed in the first two sectionsgenerally all support GPS but may also be quite useful without agps attached.

In the first listing I have collected those mappingproducts that support autorouting on the unit and voice guidance.These are generally road and street map products but some havesupport for other kinds of maps as well. The second table ofmapping products includes collections of mapping programs thatsupport road, topo, marine, and in some cases aviation maps.Aviation focused products are shown below under GPS Aviation unlessthey support also general use maps. In some cases the second tableincludes products where mapping or navigation are not the mainpurpose of the program.Moving Map with Voice Guidance ReferenceDescription.Raster and vector mapping program(commercial - demo available) For Windows CE/95/NT/XP. The samemaps are used on the ppc and windows. Latest version had automaticroute generation on the unit.

There is a of this product. Other support featuresare ability to interact with third party programs, Attachment ofphotos to waypoints, UTM grid support, waypoint icons, MapPaintprogram (part #3065) allowing you to make freehand drawings andnotations on TeleType maps, Easy export of maps from desktopcomputer to handheld computer and Marine Map enabler (#9096) forMaptech marine charts.TomTom Navigator 2.2 is a door to door routing product with 3Ddisplays and voice prompts. It is available for Europe and the USA.It uses TeleAtlas maps. There is a available for this product.TomTom RoutePlanner is a sophisticated Road Map and RoutePlanning application for European countries and American states. Itcan display the major road networks on many different scales, andshow you the best way to get from A to B. It is fast, easy to use,and makes full use of the features on your Windows CE device. Youcan even attach a Global Positioning System, which will track yourposition on the map.Other Tom Tom products include Maps-on-Line, and CityMaps.

Theseare similar to the above with differing map content, and Navigatorincludes gps hardware. These products are for Europe only.They are no longer selling this product.A database full of maps for the entire USA and some provincesin Canada. They also have maps for western Europe. They have adatabase of business locations as well using navtech maps. Some ofthe maps are really large approaching one meg or larger.

Most arefull counties. They have removeable storage support and turn byturn routing in the platinum and Navigator version. The Navigatorprovides voice prompts.

Most versions have gps support. They dohave miniamal aviation support. Some free demo tiger maps at thebasic level are available. There is a of this product. They are no longerselling this product although current subscriptions are beinghonored.autoroutingUSA and EuropeAn autorouting system with Navtech maps. Can be purchased withan integrated gps hardware box but this hardware will only workwith this software.

Check the site for ppc models that aresupported. A separate software product is also available that willwork with any gps using NMEA. Supports turn by turn voiceinstructions and automatic route calculation.Mapping, Navigation, and City guide products. The navigationproduct called PocketMap Navigator features voice prompts for doorto door autorouting. City guide features more than 1 million poi'swith searching and the ability to add your own via an optionalplugin.

They also have bundle with hardware gps units. This productis from.PocketPC Navigator software from Pharos with voice prompts andturn by turn navigation. CoPilotPocket Copilot includes a gps receiver and offers voicenavigation.

Automatic routing with street level coverage for theContinental USA.for Navman gpsNavman now supplies SmartST (Smart Street) software with theirhardware product. This is a turn by turn automatic routing softwarewith voice guidance.

Versions are offered for Europe and the USAand only support the Navman gps. Aof this product is available. Note that the software will only workwith Navman products.Deluo has now packaged there products with Microsoft PocketStreets and Trips. They also have Bluetooth logging software andunits.Deluo Routis was last released as the 2004 version. It utilizesNavTech maps with verbal turn-by-turn directions to deliver you toyour destination intelligently. Simply punch in your destinationand Routis figures out the rest.

There is a of this product. The 2004 version includesboth a pocketpc product and a pc product. I have continued toinclude this product description as it is indicative of theIntellinav and IGuidance products listed below.Intellinav, a Netropa company, utilizes NavTech maps withverbal turn-by-turn directions to deliver you to your destinationintelligently. They do not sell retail but are integrated intoother products.

This is the engine behind the Deluo Routis product.There is a of the Routis product.Another similar product from Netropa is PrymeNav.The iNav Corp licenses the Netropa product as well and carrieson the where the Routis product left off. The new 2.1 versionincludes many significant upgrades including water and landfeatures on the maps. These were not in the earlier Deluo product.Their product includes a pc and pocket pc version. IGuidance isavailable from a number of different sources. Check their web sitefor a list of resellers. The Routis review is generally applicableto this product.MobiNavigatorArkon is most known for their vehicle mounts but they now havetheir own product.This is another licensed product from Netropa.

It is available withor without GPS hardware and they have both a USA and a Europeanversion. They include a vehicle cradle with the product.A Navigations system direct from iPAQ (HP).

The product comesfrom Team Warrior. (see below) The product is only available withthe included GPS jacket.A voice navigation system that features installation via acompact flash card that installs in the hardware sleeve for iPAQ. Abundled product is LiveWire Traffic that retrieves traffic reportsin the UK via wireless connection.a 3D/2D map program called 'Car Pilot' optimized for the UK butthere are maps for all of western Europe available.A detailed street level product for Europe. It uses Tele-Atlasmaps.

Versions of PocketPC and Laptop. An API is available todesign your own application using their GPS engine.MapSonic (GPS)MapViewerMaps of Europe. MapSonic has GPS support.

MapSonic, thenavigation and map display software product, transforms your PDAinto a genuine on-board navigation system. It has a voice guidancesystem. MapSonic is now available for Europe, covering over 100,000towns in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy,Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. POI's areincluded as is a pc based program suitable for laptops ordesktop.cfQue 1620GPS-10M5A Garmin CF based GPS with the Que software pioneered on thePalm platform.

Wince Cab Manager 1.1 Deutsch Download Firefox

This product is only available as a bundle ofhardware and software. This is a full featured voice guidancesystem with door to door routing. Uses Garmin City Select mapswhich are available for many areas of the world with extensive POIsupport. Can also use any of Garmin's extensive map sets. A PCmapping program is included.There is also a version that includes a Bluetooth GPS, GPS-10,and a version that includes the PDA itself, the M5. There arereviews of the and available.Features voice activated commands, full support of 2003SEincluding VGA and rotated pages.

Tour planning features. Userinterface can be customized. Software powered by Navigon(Germany).A product from Agis that features maps from Singapore andMalaysia. They are planning more maps for the Asia Pacific area.Agis Navigator provides vector Maps, GIS POI and directory lookup,navigation features, and tracking features via a cellphone ifdesired. They also have GIS products for tourists.This product is only available with the Mobile Crossing PocketPC hardware unit. It is built into the ROM along with the operatingsystem.

It provides full autorouting and door to door instructionsusing the Mapopolis routing engine. However, the product userfeatures are quite a bit different from Mapopolis. One of the goalsof this system is to provide a Navigation solution that does notneed to be connected to a pc. Seeof this product.CoPilot Live from ALK Technologies offers Pocket PC, Smartphone, and PC/Tablet PC solutions for voice guided navigation.

Theycan also do tracking. PrymeNAVNorth America Edition.

Wince Cab Manager 1.1 Deutsch Download

Rebadged iGuidance (Navigon). This isused on thhe Medion PDA. Dell Navigation SystemAvailable only with hardware.

HP iPAQ Navigation SystemAvailable only with hardware. This is a rebadged iguidancepackage.

Belkin GPSAvailable only with hardware.This product is from a German company,. They feature door to door routingwith TeleAtlas maps.

Plugins are available to add advanced POIfeatures for various cites. Check for more details onthis feature.Odyssey Mobile from Infogation Corporation is anotherNavigation application. It will run on Pocket PC devices and winCE5.0 although they do not mention this on the site. It differs inthat it only support landscape mode so the PDA must be lying on itsside for this application.

It requires a PDA that can switch tolandscape mode. They have a free 3 Day trial.Google Navigator used Google maps and local naviation softwareto provide a complete solution. You can choose between arial mapsand road maps or a hybrid display. Once you have downloaded themaps they can be used locally without an Internet connection.Coverage is world wide. Track Logs created can be viewed on GoogleEarth using a PC. This is for Windows Mobile 5 and Windows Mobile 6devices.Moving MapMoving Map programs have a wide application in Navigation beyondautomatic routing with voice guidance in a vehicle. The needs ofhikers, marine users, aviation users and others have distinctrequirements and features that are better met with a differentclass of program.

In addition some vehicle needs require maps thatare not available in a form needed by autorouting programs or mayneed less expensive maps or even free. This section covers thoseneeds. ReferenceDescription.Vector MapsThis product can be purchased separately but it is includedwith Steets and Trips and probably the other ones listed below.Upgrades and maps can be downloaded from the web site. Maps canalso be obtained from MapPoint 2005, Streets and Trips 2005, andAutoroute 2005.Vector and Raster mapsStreet Atlas handheld provides support for US street level mapsand can route on the PDA. It also supports the Delorme topo 6.0product to add topo maps to a ppc.

ARM, SH3 are supported, Mipsavailable. Requires WinCE 3.0 or Pocket PC 2002.Raster Topo mapsof the US.This program supports a gps interface and contains the completetopo maps of the US in raster form. This is based on the NationalGeographic Atlas. In addition it supports the Topo state series toprovide 1:100K through 1:24K USGS maps for you palm.

Multiplescales of an area can be downloaded simultaneously providing zoomcapabilities.Gps mapping program for bitmap maps by Hans Scholten. Thisprogram displays your position on a bitmap map that you supply.

Itis unique in that the same source code works with both winCE andPalm by the use of a runtime package. Theprogram source is a kind of Java like language.

You need to have acopy of waba installed plus the package from Hans. Note that Wabais in beta form so expect to re-link with each wabarelease.Designed and refined by experienced pilots, it combines theimportant features of an advanced color moving map, terrainavoidance and flight management system, flight planner, airportguidebook, flight calculator, clearance recorder, and copilot, intoan amazingly compact and easy to use package. Fromcontrolvision. WinGpsCEFrom the maker of WinGPS /WinGPSPro.

This software is now commercial.(commercial) FleetCOM 100 for corporate and Road Pilot 2 forconsumers. Road Pilot features custom modules for differing userneeds.

Maps of Singapore.A WinCE version of Ozi Explorer complements the functionalityof the pc version and provides real time position display on rastermaps. OziExplorerCE runs on a Windows CE device but it relies onmap calibrations etc to be provided by the full PC version ofOziExplorer, in this respect OziExplorerCE can be considered anadd-on to the full Oziexplorer software, you also need the fullOziExplorer to calibrate maps, plan trips by adding waypoints etc.It support NMEA and has features to support Garmin, Magellan, andLowrance units directly.There is an oziapi available that permits interacting withOziexplorer with another program.

One such program is.This program will transmits your current position in realtime to aremote copy of Ozi assuming you have a wireless connection to yourPDA.Map viewing software with optional GPS support. There is a freeversion which displays US maps which must be purchased. Thereare also 'Deluxe' and 'Pro' versions which have can display 3rdparty maps. The 'Pro' version supports GPS input.(Topo, Aero, Nautical)Maptech Pocket Navigator - GPS Ready - Software for theOutdoors Topographic Maps and Nautical Charts in Your HandheldPocket PC.With Maptech's new Pocket Navigator software you have the key tooutdoor adventures in your hand.

Now hikers, fishermen, hunters,boaters, sailors, and pilots can transfer genuine USGS topographicmaps and NOAA Aviation or Marine charts to their handheld PocketPC. The next step in fun-filled outdoor navigation - be trulymobile, with the best cartography at your fingertips - be a 'PocketNavigator.' There is a of thisproduct.Marine, LandThis is a pc product plus Pocket Navigator.


It can use mapsfrom MapTech as well as non-Maptech cartography (DRGs, Softchart,self-scanned, etc). They have topo, marine, and street/road levelmaps for the UK and parts of Europe.

The 4.0 release now supports3D rendering of map data. A demo version is available. See above,under Maptech, for a review.A new professional version offers import/export of ESRI shapefiles.Marine, TopoMap Cruiser PE (pocket edition) is a map viewing and mapmanagement software program for the outdoor enthusiests, hikers,bikers, boaters, hunters, anglers, prospectors, etc. There areseparate products for the PC and the Pocket PC.raster mapsA program that provides raster map support, real time display,and will have location (waypoint) management and exchange tools.Currently in beta.StreetFinder from Rand McNally is now available for PocketPC'sin a program called MapShots. A trial version is available fordownload. Maps are downloadable directly from the web site.Mapping plus waypointstracks and routes.Fugawi is a full featured PC program that supports primarilyraster maps but does include full map databases in selected areassuch as the US. They have recently added the ability to select mapareas from their pc product and download these maps to the pocketpc with full gps navigation support.

Their products includes mapsfor US, Canada, and European cutomers.or, english page atFreeware. WinCE 95 moving map software with Garminupload/download. Works in Garmin or NMEA mode. In NMEA mode it canwork with NMEA mon shown below.

Documentation in Japanese, but userinterface is in English (Win 95 version. It should work well underJapanese WinCE 2.0 or 1.0 or English WinCE 2.0. The download pageis.The new english pages include instructions for mapcalibration.Aviation, MarineNavTech Software (Not to be confused with NavTech maps)provides EFISce, a moving map and flight planning package where youscan in your own maps.

And iPlotter which is a similar productaimed at marine users.Raster MapsThis is a shareware program that provides realtime tracking andtracklogs for user supplied Raster bitmaps. It supports Windowsbitmap files up to 256 color. Can provide voice distance todestination information and velocity.Vito-Tech makes several gps products. Smart Map can work withshape files and comes with a pc based map manager. A second productis Vito Navigator which provides basic gps functions. They alsohave an astronomy program with GPS capablities called VitoAstroNavigator.11 thousand citesaround the worldMapviewer from SWI is a city map display and travelling routecalculation software for PocketPC. It features unprecedentedprecision.

In fact, with more than 20 zoom levels, it allows you tofollow the outline of streets as accurately as reality. Inaddition, It displays traffic directions. On the other hand, itspath calculating engine provides you at any moment with theshortest path between a departure point and an arrival point.Features TeleAtlas maps which now own etak. The new release hasmaps being usable on the pc side.The product includes two types of maps. Full detail thatsupports routing plus less detailed maps that do not but areconsiderably smaller.

Current products are of Europe and seem to belanguage specific. French, English, German and Italian are covered.A new Turn by Turn product called MapSonic will soon be available.View the French language version for details.DashboardScanned mapsGPS Dash is a shareware program that provides a dashboard likedisplay for gps data. It also can provide map support for usersupplied scanned map images and will collect NMEA data logs thatcan be played back.Scanned mapsGSpot is a program that provides a gps style display withsupport for scanned maps. It has a unique 3D satellite display.Waypoints and simple goto navigation is supported. Both a PC and aPocketPC version is supplied and they work identically.Coverage for GBDownload maps on demand, street level coverage for GB, alertsto accident and speed camera locations.

Has local entertainmentlistings. Maps of Europe are planned using Navtech maps.A program that supports user scanned maps with navigationcapability. It can produce a tracklog. Note that GPS Idea andFollow Me (described below) can share data.Raster mapsSupport for user defined, scanned maps for all kinds of uses.PathAway supports large maps with a caching algorithm.Uses Garmin compatible mapsThis product is capable of viewing Garmin compatible maps solong as they are not locked. It is most useful with home brew andthird party maps made with gpsmapper.Matlas Tech offers a variety of products and focuses on thePacific rim but includes products for most of the world.

Theseinclude Leadstar, PapaGo, KingMap, MapKing, and HandyMap. They havemaps for areas that no one else has. MapKing has english road nameson maps of China. Has maps and navigation for USA andEurope using TeleAtlas maps.

Singapore, South Africa, and otherareas are covered. The main technology is provided by.Freeware maps with GPS support in the USA.

Uses Tiger maps.Available for Pocket PC, Unix, and Linux.Tracky from 'Track this out' is a navigation unitlity for manyoutdoor activitties. Get insight in your current situation by meansof a large compass, a speed, altitude, slope and even a G-forcemeter. Store the location of your favorite Points Of Interest(POIs).

Compute the distance to your POIs and know how to return tothem. See the track you are traveling, you travelled before, and/ordownloaded from internet. Use maps from e.g.

Google Earth orTerraExplorer to further enhance your view. Analyze your trackswith several graphs and export this data to MS Excel. Convert anylocation seamless to the many supported Grids, Zones, and/or Datumsfor cartographic purposes.Navio fromprovides GPS information on your PPC or Windows SmartPhone device.It does support raster scanned maps.Virtual Earth Mobile (VEM) is an application for Pocket PC2003, Smartphone 2003, and Windows Mobile 5.0 devices that displaysmaps and satellite photography, and locates businesses by name orcategory within a geographical area.

The data is downloaded fromthe MSN Virtual Earth servers that power.Unlike many other mapping programs, the map data is not preloadedonto the device; it is downloaded on demand. The disadvanatge tothis is that an internet connection is required. The advantage isthat you do not need to decide what maps to preload, and you needvery little storage space. VEM will cache map data as you view it,which improves performance, and allows you to view cached maps whenyou do not have an internet connection. GPS support is only forWM5.0 devices.GPSMap-OS is a small freeware Pocket PC application that readsGlobal Positioning System information from NMEA-compatiblereceivers and plots current and historical position overuser-supplied map images in British OSGB format (as used for mostmaps published by the Ordnance Survey in the UK).GPSS uses raster maps and has been available for a long time onPC platforms. This is a Beta version for Pocket PC devices. Notethat this software supports voice prompts but not autorouting.A moving map program for pocketpc's and smartphones usingWindows Mobile.

Currently in Alpha release. It supports waypoints,tracks, and routes in GPX format. The maps can be Jpg, gif, or tif.This program is written in tcl/tk and will also run in windows andlinux. It can also use images saved from Google Earth in.kmlfiles.A moving map program for pocketpc's and smartphones usingWindows Mobile version 6.

It works with Google or Yahoo maps. It is a free program and framework 3.5.GPS Device SpecificNote that some of the mapping programs described above in themapping section can also work in Garmin mode for upload or dowloadof waypoints/routes/tracks and for real time tracking. Memory-Mapcan also work with Magellan products for upload/download.SiRF chipsets also have some specific binary features.

See thesection for programs that cantake advantage of this mode. ReferenceDescription.cfQue 1620A Garmin CF based GPS with the Que software pioneered on thePalm platform. This product is only available as a bundle ofhardware and software. This is a full featured voice guidancesystem with door to door routing. Uses Garmin City Select mapswhich are available for many areas of the world with extensive POIsupport. Can also use any of Garmin's extensive map sets.

A PCmapping program is included. This product only works in Garminmode.Garmin ConverterCommercial. Transfer waypoints to andfrom the Garmin GPS receiver. Upload TeleType GPS waypoints to theGarmin and download Garmin waypoints into the TeleType GPS program.Supports Windows 9x/NT/CE.Garmin, Magellan, LowranceA program based on the verysuccessful g7toWin product. This is the swiss army knife of GPSwaypoint maintenance. Upload/download waypoints/routes/tracks toGarmin, Magellan, or Lowrance receivers.

Create and exchange datawith Fugawi, Ozi, Delorme. Freeware.Their Rhino product is able to collect pseudorange data andcarrier phase data from Garmin receivers hooked to a pockepc forpost processing to achieve sub-meter position accuracy.The LinksPoint GPS Toolkit is an Application Program Interface(API) designed to simplify communications between a GPS receiverand its host, typically a PocketPC or Palm OS based handheldcomputer. The toolkit handles messages from most popular GPSprotocols, including NMEA, Sirf, Rockwell, JRC and others.for Navman gpsNavman now supplies SmartST (Smart Street) software with theirhardware product. This is a turn by turn automatic routing softwarewith voice guidance. Versions are offered for Europe and the USAand only support the Navman gps. Aof this product is available. Note that the software will only workwith Navman products.CompePocket can provide realtime tracking on the map of yourchoice.

CompePocket can open vector maps (MPV) and raster maps(.IMP or.MAP), with image maps of type.BMP or.ECW. CompeGPSPocket Land/Air can open maps, tracks, routes and waypoints, likethe PC version program. It can also download tracks and waypointsfrom the GPS. CompeGPS Pocket Land/Air can open two maps at thesame time.This program is specifically for TomTom Navigator and addsfunctionality to that product. It specifically adds a lot of POIfunctionality and some further automatic of TomTom functions.U-center mobile is the ideal tool to evaluate u-blox GPStechnology, GPS products and AssistNow(tm) A-GPS in the field,particularly with GPS integrated in mobile devices and consumerproducts. Running on Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) based PDAs.

Thereis also a PC version of this program.SiRF specific featuresSiRF chipsets are used in a wide variety of GPS devices includemost of the Bluetooth models. They have a standard NMEA mode butcan also be switched to a binary mode that can do things thatcannot be done in NMEA mode.

For example, forcing a cold start orsetting WAAS mode. In addition they have extra NMEA controlsentences that are unique to these devices. The table belowincludes products that can take advantage of some or all of thesefeatures. These programs may also be useful for standard NMEA modeor other devices as well.Some programs mentioned above can also be used in SiRF mode suchas Memory-Map Navigator. Note that programs that place the SiRFchipset in SiRF mode can effectively disable it from being used onprograms that expect NMEA mode. A device that is no longer workingmay, in fact, be switched to SiRF mode. You may be able to recoverthe device by switching it back.

Note that SiRF mode usually uses ab/s rate of 38,400. ReferenceDescription.WinFast Navigator CE from Leadtek is an excellenttroubleshooting tool, particularly for the SiRF chipset. View thedevelopment screen to see the NMEA messages or the Signal levelscreen for gps status. Be careful since you could make the gps failto work with some programs by manipulating data with thisutility.SiRF Demo from SiRF themselves provides a wide range of controlfor SiRF devices using SiRF mode and NMEA mode.

They have a versionfor the Pocket PC and a more complete control version for thePC.This is a program with NMEA mode and a few SiRF features. Theauthor is planning to expand the SiRF support. Note that thisprogram can also read navigation NMEA messages making it suitableas a remote display for stand alone GPS devices executing Routenavigation.US GlobalSat makes many devices using SiRF chipsets and hasreleased a program called GPS Info that can force Cold Starts andset WAAS in SiRF mode and well as adding the optional VTG NMEAsentence. It runs on PPC devices and PC's. They also have a testprogram for Mac Computers.

The program is.CE monitor is another useful utility to control the SiRFchipset in SiRF mode while providing typical GPS data display. Notethat CE Monitor is the new name for LeadTeks program.GPS NMEA Non MappingThe section includes products that support gps but nottraditional maps. They may support a specialized mapping use suchas maps of golf courses. ReferenceDescription.GPSGate from Franson can multiply the available serial ports onyour PPC which permits several GPS applications to share the sameGPS device. It can also provide translations for Garmin USBreceivers and permit sharing a GPS across a network allowing a PCand a PPC to use the same GPS.

It can even simulate a GPS receiverfor development purposes or provide a tracklog.or, english page atFreeware. NMEA monitor displays a satellite statuspage with graphics showing satellite strength and position. It alsoshow text data on your position and velocity. It works withGarmap.This is a free satellite status viewing page that can be usedto log data and view results. It also has an averaging function andthe ability to serve as a real time display of gps velocity data.The author also has a program called whichprovides specific geocaching support.StarCaddy software displays a digital map of the golf course onyour PDA, using GPS to give you the exact distance to the green,doglegs, sand traps, water hazards or any other coursefeature. PocketCaddieStores and displays courses, calculate distance, shot tracker,voice speaks distances, suggests clubs.Golf systemPreview detailed layout, try the course from your office.Yardage to the green, collect stock data.

Build your own databaseof courses.Data LoggerA free program called GPS Engine that is a simple data logger.It records lat/lon altitude, time, and velocity. The also have anavigation calculator intended for flying use.The linkspoint automatic vehicle locator uses a wirelesspocketpc with a gps to provide vehicle tracking plus you can takethe pocketpc with you for use in the field. The AVL features a mapdisplay for the fleet back at the office.A java apiThe Chaeron GPS Library (and sample programs) provides a highlevel Java interface to GPS (Global Position System) devices,making it easier to GPS-enable your Java applications. It isdesigned to be portable and will run unchanged on many platformsincluding Windows, PalmOS PDA's (Jump and SuperWaba VM's), Linux,Apple Macs, PocketPCs and interactive waypoint database on the web and a clientproduct that allows users to upload and download waypoints based ontheir GPS location.Vito-Tech makes two gps products.

Smart Map can work with shapefiles and comes with a pc based map manager. The second product isVito Navigator which provides basic gps functions.Sentry-soft is a product that resides on the today screen. Itoffers a quick reference for GPS receivers with a full set of GPSdisplay screens that can be rotated on the page. This is a goodtool to establish an initial connection to make sure your GPS isworking properly.A program that provides the functionality of a standalone GPSreceiver that does not support maps. Supports points and tracklogsfor navigation.

Can share data with GPS Idea (above).Use your Pocket PC and cellphone to track your location on theweb. Anyone with your account data can track your movement.Geoaps makes a few dataloggers for PPC devices. The logged datacan be imported into Google Earth and other applications.A2B technologyGPS cookie uses A2B technology from Tinystocks to locate thenearest web site from your current GPS position.

For moreinformation see. Many of thesesites are hotspots for wireless internet connections as well.trackingNavideo is a multi-purpose software for your PDA or PC thatconnects navigation with mobile communication. Your can easily sendyour GPS location to others (PCs, PDA's, etc.) and also receive orrequest to receive their location. It's possible to send SOSmessages to emergency services. Uses SMS/Email.Driving Log from Concrete Software keeps track of distancestraveled for busines or personal use. It all compute average speedand gas mileage.

It can use an odomter or GPS. This is asubscription service that includes a web server for the data.Programming softwareThere are lots of programming products available for Pocket PCdevices but I included this one because it has specific GPS supportto ease the task of using your GPS in a program. You can design acustom application in Basic to do exactly what you want. They havea working open source same called that can beused as is or as a starting point for your own applications. It cando coordinate conversion, distance calculation, basic compassdisplay.This is the Direct X for Windows CE.

Allows you to use PocketPC software like media players, games, and emualtors on yourHandheld PC or GPS navigation system. Binary and sourcecode arecompatible to the Pocket PC version from Microsoft. More than 150devices are supported.

This API is free.A GPS speed warning system. It uses our own professionallocation database (England) to provide audible and visual warningas a camera is approaching. It can work with some navigationsoftware including TomTom Navigator.

Suitable Pocket PC and GPSreceiver, PC with Internet connection to download and install.speed sensorskinner. Tchartdev makes two GPS products. GPS speed sensor is designedto let you know when you have exceeded the speed limit and GPS skinneris a tool to let you design your own GPS display.There are several products already described that have aviationsupport. So a search on aviation to find them. In addition thereare some products that are specific to aviation. These products arelisted here.

Some support maps but these maps are specific toaviation use and thus they are not listed in the mappingsection. ReferenceDescription.Aviation, MarineNavTech Software (Not to be confused with NavTech maps)provides EFISce, a moving map and flight planning package where youscan in your own maps. And iPlotter which is a similar productaimed at marine users.A planning and moving map program for aviators.

Includessupport for ifr and vfr, aircraft data, flight log, more.Moving terrain map called MountainScope with color coded safteyzones based on gps altitude. Also include aviation database thatprovide aeronautical chart like overlays. There is aof this product.Aviation NavigationFocus on Aviation products and also has a hardware Gyro Moduleavailable for IPAQ units.

Has a world wide avigation database forall models with a focus on USA database for the Pro models.Several programs of use to the Glider Soaring communityincluding a WinCE based data logger that supports the IGC standard.It can also display a flight review. These are free programs.(Topo, Aero, Nautical)Maptech Pocket Navigator - GPS Ready - Software for theOutdoors Topographic Maps and Nautical Charts in Your HandheldPocket PC.With Maptech's new Pocket Navigator software you have the key tooutdoor adventures in your hand. Now hikers, fishermen, hunters,boaters, sailors, and pilots can transfer genuine USGS topographicmaps and NOAA Aviation or Marine charts to their handheld PocketPC. The next step in fun-filled outdoor navigation - be trulymobile, with the best cartography at your fingertips - be a 'PocketNavigator.' There is a of thisproduct.The Navair product features richly featured map with clearterrain detail, distance sensitive displays, flight planfunctionality, multiple pilot and plan profiles. Flight andnavigation status details are provided on transparent overlays andeven menus are translucent so you can see the map underneath. Theyalso have a realtime weather product.FreewareThis is a free flight planning and moving map display forprivate pilots.

The sofware is free but donations are encouraged.Works on pocketpc and pc. Includes world navigation database.Combines the important features of an advanced color movingmap, terrain avoidance and flight management system, flightplanner, airport guidebook, flight calculator, clearance recorder,and copilot.Here is a place to vote for your favorite aviation software andperhaps find one you hadn't noticed before.Not to be confused with pocket Navigator, the PocketNav productis the software solution for glider pilots from Cambridge AeroInstruments. This can be an add-on to their GPS-Nav product (asecure flight data recorder). They also support.CompePocket can provide realtime tracking on the map of yourchoice. CompePocket can open vector maps (MPV) and raster maps(.IMP or.MAP), with image maps of type.BMP or.ECW.

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CompeGPSPocket Land/Air can open maps, tracks, routes and waypoints, likethe PC version program. It can also download tracks and waypointsfrom the GPS. CompeGPS Pocket Land/Air can open two maps at thesame time.Approach Systems specializes in Approach Plates software.They also have moving map sofware and realtime weather addons. The productsrun on PPC hardware running Windows Mobile as well as tablet PC's usingXP or Vista. The map software is free.GIS GPS softwareGeographic Information Systems is a grouping of applications forGPS that are not, strictly speaking, navigation. The programsfeatured in the section provide GPS support for a wide variety ofuses. The products may be able to be used in Navigation as well butthis is not the primary purpose.

They may or may not have mappingsupport but when they do it is generally not intended fornavigation. Programs listed in previous sections may also have GISapplications as well so be sure and check there. In particular themoving map, NMEA non-mapping, and GPS specific sections may be ofparticular use to a GIS application. ReferenceDescription.With CyberTracker software, scientists and other field workerscan create their own data entry template, or screen sequence, anduse it on a Windows Mobile PocketPC or PalmOS handheld computer togather and map an unlimited amount of data. CyberTracker's uniquedesign allows users to display icons, text or both, which makesdata collection faster. It also allows field data collection bynon-literate users and school children.PocketGIS is a low cost, yet powerful, Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) for field data capture which can display and edit mapgeometry and attributes. PocketGIS brings real GIS functionality tohighly portable Windows® CE devices.Esri GIS andmapping system.ArcPad supports industry-standard vector and raster imagedisplay.

Data can be provided from the Internet via wirelesstechnology. ArcPad includes a number of map navigation toolsincluding zoom and pan, spatial bookmarks, and center on thecurrent GPS position. You can Query your data-Identify features,display hyperlinks, and locate features. You can measure distance,area, and bearings on your ArcPad map.

You can Navigate with yourGPS-Connect a GPS and let ArcPad guide you. You can Edit yourdata-Create and edit spatial data using input from the mousepointer, pen, or GPS. Include ArcPad in your GIS solution-Extract,convert, and project your existing data using ArcGIS Desktop orArcView 3.x. A download trial version is available.GPS Tuner is a high precision measurement tool for Pocket PC.The program delivers more accurate positions (even two or theetimes better) than your GPS device can. All that is due to theAVERAGING Software Solution.Map handling (zoomable), Digital Compass, Tracklog, WaypointManager help your trips!

Runs on PPC2002 and 2003, uses.NETtechnology.Field Adapted Survey ToolkitGeoAge sells PDA hardware and software, but this alone wouldnot qualify them to be in this list. However, they also make asystem called FAST (Field Adapted Survey Toolkit) which provides afield data acquistion system. This system is part of a fullsolution offering of the company that is aimed at EnvironmentalStudies, Inspections and Audits, Emergency Response Systems,Research and marketing, and Field Service Automation. Theirsolutions can also include Location Tracking but mainly featuresField Data Collection with Mapping support.FieldMap from mobicomp is a java based tool that shows maps andpermit gathering Field Data that is gis oriented. It can attachnotes to points or polylines.

Both vector and raster map support isplanned.GISThis product is a full GIS system for field data collection. Itis designed for Archaeologists but is likely useful for anyonedoing field data collection. It is in the mapping section becausingit also contains a CAD tool useful for creating maps. It supportsDXF format.A GPS savy journal / diary. Generate plot on a map or blankcanvas. You supply notes to record your journey. You can also useif for route planning.Field Data collection.NET framework for Mapping and GPS Field Data collection.

Usestopo or aerial photos from the Microsoft TerraServer. A frame workwith no royalties for VB or C programming. Works with your own SQLserver for Data analysis.

The demo can be used as a GPS mappingprogram using TerraServer maps.(commercial - demo available) For WindowsCE/95/98/NT.gps tools forfarming'Farm Site Mate' can be used for site specific mapping,scouting, soil sampling and variable rate control. Site Mate allowsyou to easily create maps of field boundaries, weed areas, tilelines, spray paths, soil sample locations, or anything else you mayneed. Optional modules for scouting and sampling and for variablerate control.CollectorThis is a solution product that combines field data collectionsoftware with a Symbol PDA and linkspoint gps hardware. Includesserver platform offering desktop menu configuration and datamanagement software, plus handheld client software that providesintegrated GPS location capture and barcode scanning.Weather system display using gps and cell-phone technolody toprovide up to the minute radar weather data from Nexrad images.From controlvision.This is not a map display program but rather a map makingprogram. It is a GIS field system to produce maps or other fieldcollection tasks related to GIS.Click on software.

The is a waba based application that can beused to take notes in the field.GeoAps has several products for Pocket PC. A datalogger for gpsdata acquisition, a motion activated data logger that is intendedto operate in background while you do other things, and S-Calc, asurvey calculation tool.A gps tool that lets you design your own application andcapture the kind of data you are interested in. No programmingrequired.Mobile Data ForceAn application builder to create relational databases for fielddata collection.

The handheld version supports GPS data to collectlocation data. The also support barcode readers, RFID, and cameras.WinCE, Pocket PC, and Windows Smartphones can be used.area - port splitterGPS Meter has two products. The GPSMeter PDA will calculatearea for an arbitrary closed area. To make the area calculationmore accurate the program allows you to average GPS positions.Shapes based on the perimeter can be exported as Shape, DXF, orGoogle KML file.

It can also calculate distance and do simplenavigation to a point. The second product is a port splitter thatwill permit you to use a GPS device with two different programssimulaneously.GIS mapping programs (no GPS) ReferenceDescription.englishA free GIS program covering the World and some areas with moredetail than the world level. There is a pc program and a pocketpcversion. Includes raster maps that are also usable in g7towince orwaypoint+. The pc version has GPS support and pocketpc support iscoming in the future.Programs designed to augment GPS PositionsThese are systems designed to help a GPS in areas where GPScan't get a fix or needs improved accuracy.

They may requireadditional hardware capability such as WiFi support. In some casesand applications they can replace a GPS completely. ReferenceDescription.The first Peer-to-Peer Wireless Positioning System thatsuccessfully blends GPS + WiFi + Cellular signals together into oneaccurate and powerful Mobile Geo-Location System. It can alsolocate nearby POI's or even your friends if they have similarsystems.Place Lab is software providing low-cost, easy-to-use devicepositioning for location-enhanced computing applications. Place Labtries to provide positioning which works worldwide, both indoorsand out.PC Programs with WinCE support ReferenceDescription.waypointtranslatorThis is a free windows program that translates and storeswaypoint data in a wide variety of formats thus permitting waypointinterchange. Supported formats include GPX (XML exchange format),GEO (geocaching), Magellan including the palm versions, Garmin,GPSMan, GPSUtil, Tiger, CSV (comma separted values), Delorme Xmap,MapSend (Magellan poi format), PCX5 (older Garmin format), Cetus,GPSPilot, PSP (Pocket streets and trips), MXF (Maptech), DNA(Navitrak), OZI, Holux, with more being added all the time.This program manages POI databases and will convert to manyprograms.

In particular it support TomTom, SmartPath, Navman,Garmin, Desinator, Via Michlin, Navio, MioMap, GPX and others. Youmay need to further convert some files for PDA use using toolssupplied with your software.Links to other GPS PDA information sites ReferenceDescription.A new tip every day on GPS or PDA specific tasks or features.There is also an RSS feed for this feature.A UK site covering hardware and software.