Developing Enterprise Services For Sap Pdf Manual

This content is part of the series: Integrating MDM Server with Enterprise Information Systems using SAP as an example, Part 1Stay tuned for additional content in this series. Before you start What you will learnIBM InfoSphere Master Data Management Server is a repository that cancentralize and manage an organization's critical master data entitiessuch as customer, product, supplier, and more. The centralization ofthese entities creates a single view of customers and products thatresults in better service, improved customer satisfaction, andimproved relationships with partners and suppliers. Because many, ifnot all, of the organization's applications (SAPapplications, for example) and business processes operate on these entities, areliable and flexible delivery of the master data is a keycharacteristic of the solution architecture. This tutorial providesthe assembly instructions that will help you understand how IBMInfoSphere Master Data Management Server can work with SAPregarding the management of customer data.

The integration approachdemonstrated here can also be applied for other businessobjects managed by the MDM server (product, supplier, etc.).As illustrated in Figure 1, the scenario covered hereincludes both directions. Customer data is managed in MDM Server andsent to SAP. An SAP transaction is used to add the tax ID to thecustomer record. This additional information needs to be sent to MDMServer to update the central customer entities.To keep the tutorial manageable, it has been split into twoparts. Part 1 covers the required steps to create a solution thatnotifies SAP of a customer data change in MDM Server. Part 2 adds thesteps for the update of the customer entitymanaged by MDM Server with the tax ID added by SAP.

Solution overview. The customer data is created or updated with the IBM Master DataManagement Data Stewardship Console and saved on the MDM system. MDMServer behavior extensions create a SAP customer ID (SAP KUNNR) fornew records and send the customer data to a JMS topic. An EnterpriseService Bus (ESB) mediation flow reads the customer data from the JMStopic, performs the transcoding for country and province code, andcalls the WebSphere adapter for SAP, which then sends a DEBMAS IDoc to the SAP system.The 'section describes how to enable notifications in the MDM Serverdatabase. The JMS topic used to distribute the customer datais already defined in MDM Server. But to receive this data inthe ESB, a corresponding topic is required in the Process Server.

Thesection describes how you create this topic in the Process Server andhow you connect it to the JMS topic defined in MDM Server. Using theconnected topics, messages sent to the MDM Server topic can bereceived with the Process Server topic. Finally, the section describeshow you extend the MDM Server model with behavior extensions using theMDM Workbench. Using a behavior extension, business logic can beexecuted before or after a MDM Server transaction. It shows how tocreate an extension that runs before the MDM Server addParty transaction.

This extension creates the SAP customer number using adatabase table. Other extensions are defined to run after the add andupdate transactions for person name and address.

These extensionsshare the same implementation, which sends an XML representation of theMDM Server customer business object to the MDM server JMS topic. Thebehavior extension source code is provided with the ZIP file in thesection. This file also contains thedatabase script for the database table creating the customer number.The 'Configuring the SAP system' section describes the steps for configuring theSAP system. The SAP system will receive the customer data as an SAPIntermediate Document (IDoc) structure. Thepredefined Debmas IDoc is used here. The section describes how to createthe necessary SAP Remote Function Call (RFC) connection, port, logicalsystem, partner profile, and IDoc distribution model.The Creating the ESB mediation flow section describes how to implement themediation between the message sent by the MDM Server and the IDoc tobe sent to the SAP System.

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The mediation flow is implemented usingWebSphere Integration Developer. Since the XML data types of theMDM Server message are required to read the message, the section firstdescribes how you import the MDM Server XML Schema into the mediationflow project. This is followed by the steps for creating the JMScomponent listening for incoming messages and the configuration of theSAP adapter component. Finally, the section describes how toimplement the XSLT transformation to map the MDM message to the SAPIDoc structure. Because MDM Server and SAP use different codes tospecify a country or a province, the transformation needs to implementthe translation. In this tutorial, we use simple transcodingtables. However, this could also be implemented differently, such aswith calls to a transcoding web service.

The database scripts tocreate the transcoding tables are provided with the ZIP file in thesection.The ' sectiondescribes how to use the MDM Data Stewardship Console to create newand update existing MDM customer records, and how to use the SAP UI tocheck the customer objects on the SAP system. System requirementsThe tutorial was developed using the product versions and fixesspecified below. You will need the following software installed:. IBM Master Data Management Workbench V9.0.1.

Follow theinstructions described in the Workbench User Guide(MDMWorkbenchUserGuide.pdf) to install the Workbench and theDevelopment and Test Environment in Rational® Software Architect. Use IBM Rational Software Architect for WebSphereSoftware V7.5.5.4, including the IBM WebSphere ApplicationServer V7 Test Environment Update1. Navigate to your WebSphere Application Serveradministration console and uninstall the MDM EnterpriseApplication. This is needed as we will modify the MDMEnterprise Application according to the sample scenario ofthis tutorial and redeploy it from your MDMworkbench. IBM Master Data Management Data Stewardship Console on yourWebSphere Application Server.

The Data Stewardship Console source code( is available in the MDMServer samples package. Import the projects into a RSAworkspace. In the CustomerDataStewardship project, open thepropertiesUI.jar file and edit file. You need tospecify the java.naming.provider.url andthe UserGroupImpl properties (see the examples givenin the properties file). Install the CustomerDataStewardshipapplication on the MDM Server application server.

Developing Enterprise Services For Sap Pdf Manual

IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V7.0.0.201. IBM WebSphere Process Server V7.0.0.2 (as integrated testenvironment for WebSphere Integration Developer). Make surethe following Process Server fixes are installed:. JR36507 JR36532 IBM DB2® V9.7.

An SAP system able to send and receive SAP IDocs of typedebmas06. We used an SAP ECC V6.0 IDES system.NOTE: The steps performed during this tutorial will modifythe master data stored on your SAP system. Don't use aproduction system.This tutorial describes how to implement the sample scenario using theMDM Server Development and test environment. It does not describe howto run the sample scenario with the stand-alone MDM Server. Copy the two and from thedownload package to this package(replace the existing file thatwas generated in the previous step). Make sure that the Project Build automaticallyoption is enabled.

Refresh the project. Some Java compile errorswill occur, which we will fix subsequently. Update the class path by right-clicking on projectPartyExtensions and selecting Properties. Nowswitch to Java EE Module Dependencies and look for theParty.jar entry in the list. Enable the checkbox nextto Party.jar.Figure 13. Java EEmodule dependencies. Open a DB2 command window and change to thePartyExtensionsresourcessqldb2 directory in your RSAworkspace.

Now run the PartyExtensionsMetaDataDB2.sql SQLscript:db2 connect to mdmdb2 -tvf PartyExtensionsMetaDataDB2.sqldb2 disconnect mdm. In this sample, the extension code generates the SAP customernumber by using a DB2 database table. Create this table using thesapkey.sql SQL script. In the Servers view, right-click your server and select Publish to update the MDM application with the workbench modifications.Configuring the SAP systemTo enable your SAP system to receive IDocs sent from the WebSphereAdapter for SAP Software, some settings on your SAP system have to beconfigured. This tutorial will only cover the outbound scenario(changes on the MDM data will be propagated to the ESB, which makes useof the WebSphere Adapter for SAP Software to send IDocs to your SAPsystem). However, the following configuration steps will also set upyour SAP system for the inbound scenario (changes on data on the SAPside will trigger an IDoc to be sent to the ESB, which then willpropagate the changed data to the MDM system).

The inbound scenariowill be described in Part 2 of this series. Creating the tRFCport. Enter SAP transaction code WE21. Open the section Ports and select the subsectionTransactional RFC. Click the Create icon to create a new tRFC port. Choose the option own port name and enter MDMPORT as the name of the port. Click the green checkmark to save yoursettingsFigure 19.

Create newtRFC port. Enter MDMSAPTUTORIALDESTINATION for the name of the RFCdestination created in the previous step, or select the name fromthe list. Click the disk icon to save your settings.Figure 20. Create newtRFC port. Your partner profile configuration should now look like thescreenshot displayed in step 6.Modifying the IDoc distributionmodel.

Call SAP transaction BD64. Switch to edit mode. Open the Model views Subsystems itselfsystem. (If there are multiple systems, pickthe one with the client ID belonging to your system.

For IDESsystems, the client ID usually is 800.). Now click the Add message type button.

In the pop-up dialog that opens, enter the following values:. Receiver: MDMSAP.

Message Type: DEBMASClick the green checkmark to close the dialog. After the pop-up closes, click the disk icon to save yourmodifications on the IDoc distribution model.Figure 25. Modifying theIDoc distribution model. Click Finish. Select Window Show View Other. Expand the Business Integration folder and selectPhysical Resources.

In the Physical Resources view, expand theMDMDataTypes folder. You see the list of imported XSDfiles. Right-click the new Export1 component, selectRename,and specify a name (e.g., MDMRequest). Right-click the new MDMRequest component and select AddInterface.

Select the MDMInput interface and clickOK. Right-click the MDMRequest component and select GenerateBinding. Message Binding JMS Binding. In the Configure JMS Export Service window, selectPublish-Subscribe as the JMS messagingdomain. Select Use pre-configured messaging providerresources. Click the Select. Button next to the activationspecification field, select your target server, clickNext, select jms/MDMTopicAS fromthe list, then click Finish.

Press the Select. Button next to the receivedestination field, select your target server, expand theTopics folder, selectcom/dwl/base/notification/MDMTopic, and clickFinish.Figure 31.

Specify JMSconfiguration settings. Setting up the SAPadapterTo be able to send messages to the SAP system, the WebSphereAdapter for SAP Software has to be configured:.

Because the adapter is using the SAP Java Connector (JCo), thesapjco3.dll and sapjco3.jar files need to becopied to the system running the ESB. Both files can be obtainedfrom the downloadssection of the SAP marketplace. Copy both files to the libdirectory of the WebSphere Process Server (e.g., C:ProgramFilesIBMWID7WTEruntimesbiv7lib). In the MDM2SAP Assembly Diagram editor, expand theOutbound Adapters section and drag an SAPcomponent to the canvas.

In the New External Service window, select the IBMWebSphere Adapter for SAP Software with transaction support.Figure 33. New IBMWebSphere Adapter for SAP Software. Creating the mediationmoduleNow you have to create the mediation between the incoming MDM messageand the SAP message. Since MDM Server and SAP use different codes fora country or a province, the mediation has to transcode theappropriate values. In the Admin Console on the left, expandResources JDBC. Click Data sources. On the Data sources page, select the server1 scopeand click New.

On the Basic data source information page, enter thedata source name( MDMSAP) and the JNDI name ( jdbc/MDMSAP), then click Next. On the JDBC provider page, select Create new JDBCprovider, then click Next. On the new JDBC provider page, select Databasetype: DB2, Provider type: DB2 Universal JDBCDriver Provider, Implementation type: XA datasource.Figure 40. Create newJDBC provider.

Click Next. In the database class path information window, specify thedirectory of your DB2 installation containing thedb2jcc.jar file. Leave the Native library pathfield empty and click Next. On the database-specific properties page, select Drivertype: 4, Database name: MDMSAP andthe (DB2) Server name.

Click Next. From the Component-managed authentication alias drop-downbox, select the MDMSAPDBAuthAlias and click Next. Click Finish.

In the Messages at the top of thepage, click Save.Figure 41. MDMSAP datasource. Select the checkbox next to MDMSAP and click the Testconnection button.

In the Messages at the top ofthe page, verify that the connection test for MDMSAP wassuccessful. Restart the application server.Creating the mediation flowcomponent. In the MDM2SAP Assembly Diagram editor, expand theComponents section and drag a Mediation Flowcomponent to the canvas. Right-click the new Mediation Flow component, selectRename, and specify a name (e.g.,MDM2SAPMediation. In the Palette, click the Wire icon.Figure 42.

New Mediationflow. Press Ctrl+S to save your changes.Implementing the mediationcomponent. In WebSphere Integration Developer, right-click theMDMDataTypes library project and selectNew Business Object. Specify the name (e.g., TranscodingBO). ClickFinish. In the TranscodingBO editor, use the Add a Field to abusiness object icon to create these four fields of typestring:. MDMCountryCode.

MDMProvinceCode. SAPCountryCode. SAPProvinceCode. Add a TCRMPersonBObj field of typeTCRMPersonBObjType (to specify the type, click string,select Browse., enter TCRMPerson, and selectTCRMPersonBObjType from the Matching data typeslist.Figure 44. In the MDMSAPMediation editor on the left side, expand theService Invocation section and drag a Callout tothe canvas. Select the SAPImportPartner reference, then clickOK.

Sap User Manual Pdf

From the Routing section, drag a Message Filter tothe canvas. Press Ctrl+S to save your changes. In the MDMSAPMediation editor, click transcode provincecodes. Click the Terminal tab.

Expand Input terminal and click in. Click theChange button next to Message type field andselect MDMInput/operation1/operation1RequestMsg. Click in the Details tab. Enter the following values:. In the Data source field, enterjdbc/MDMSAP.

In the Table field, enterMDMSAP.PROVINCECODES. In the Search column field, enterMDMPROVINCE. In the Search location field, enter/context/transient/MDMProvinceCode. In the target location table, enterSAPPROVINCE for the Column,string for theType field, and /context/transient/SAPProvinceCode for theTarget location.Figure 51. Databaselookup for province codes. Press Ctrl+S to save your changes. In the MDMSAPMediation editor, click transcode countrycodes.

Enter the following values:. In the Data source field, enterjdbc/MDMSAP. In the Table field, enterMDMSAP.COUNTRYCODES. In the Search column field, enterMDMCOUNTRY. In the Search location field, enter/context/transient/MDMCountryCode. In the target location table, enterSAPCOUNTRY for the Column,string for theType field, and /context/transient/SAPCountryCode as theTarget location.Figure 52.

Databaselookup for country codes. Click Finish.

Wait for the Status to change to Synchronized.Running the scenarioTo test this tutorial's scenario, you will use the MDM Data StewardshipConsole to create a new MDM person entity. The created entity willthen be processed by the ESB. The transcoding for country and provincewill be done and finally an IDoc message will be sent to the SAPsystem Using the MDM Data StewardshipConsole to create a new MDM Person entity. Navigate your browser to the MDM Data Stewardship Console (usuallywheremyMDMHost is the name of your MDM system; the portmay be different on your system). In the left navigation menu, open the section PartyMaintenance and select the menu item AddPerson. Enter data for at least the following fields:. Name Usage Type: Legal.

Given Name: John. Family Name: Doe. Click Submit.Figure 57. Addperson data stewardship.

In the following pop-up dialog, click OK to save yourchanges. Now click on the Addresses tab to add an address for thenewly created person. Click the green Add button at the bottom of the address list. Specify at least the following values:.

Address Type: Business. Address Line: Evergreen Terrace. City: Los Angeles. Province/State: CA. ZIP Code: 54321. Country: United States ofAmerica. Click the Submit button to save your changes,then click OK in the appearing pop-up dialog.Figure 58.

Customergeneral data. Note: In case the customer record was not transferred tothe SAP system, the WebSphere Adapter for SAP software may have aproblem. Have a look at the process server log files and checkthat the following exception the linked document 'SAP JCo environment setup errors'listed in the section to fixthis problem.Updating the MDM Personentity. Close SAP transaction XD03 so that the customer recordwill not be locked by the SAP system and the changes sent by theESB can be applied immediately. Go to the MDM Data Stewardship Console. If the MDM personrecord you created in the previous step isn't still open, use theParty Maintenance Search Party menu item tosearch for it by specifying the family name Doe, for example, andclicking the Submit button.Figure 62.

Now modify the name or the address of the record and save yourchanges. The changes on the MDM side will be propagated to the SAPsystem and should be visible when calling transaction XD03 again.Summary ConclusionNow that you finished this tutorial, you should have a goodunderstanding of how to integrate MDM Server with an EnterpriseInformation System. We focused on a sampleintegration with SAP, but the basic steps you learned will beidentical or at least similar for other system integrations.The starting point of our integration was the creation of MDM behaviorextensions that allow us to react to changes made on the master datamanaged by MDM. In our example, we focused on the 'customer' businessobject and sending data to a JMS topic whenever a customer record on theMDM system is created or updated. The next building block was the ESBmediation flow, which picks up the data from the JMS topic.

An ESBmediation flow is an excellent tool that allows you to handle data in avery flexible way.You have learned how to easily perform the transcoding of type codesin a mediation flow — a step that is always needed in integrationswhen the source and the target system use different codes forattributes. In the mediation flow, we also transformed the MDM messageto the SAP IDoc structure and finally used the WebSphere Adapter forSAP applications to send the IDoc to a SAP system.

OutlookPart 2 of this tutorial series demonstrates how data for soleattributes (e.g., attribute 'tax ID' managed by theSAP system) can be propagated back to the MDM system.

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