Communication Styles Driver Analytical Expressive Amiable

Communication Styles Driver Analytical Expressive Amiable

Driver Social Style

The hidden power of kindness pdf free. The amiableThey are respectful, willing, agreeable, friendly, supportive, soft-hearted and responsive; they are team players who focus on innovation and long-term problem solving; they value relationships; they engage with people they feel they can trust.How to adapt to amiable customers, discuss personal issues (interests, family, etc.); collaborate with the customer; openly discuss the issues in a conversational format; use personal commitments and specific guarantees; be agreeable; demonstrate low risk solutions; don’t take advantage of them.

© Astrid Baumgardner 2011REPRINTI would be delighted if you should wish to reprint (for free) any part of this article in your newsletters, blogs, websites, and message boards. Please include the following attribution:Astrid Baumgardner, JD, PCC is a professional life coach and lawyer, Coordinator of Career Strategies and Lecturer at the Yale School of Music and the founder and President of Astrid Baumgardner Coaching + Training, which is dedicated to helping musicians, lawyers and creative professionals take charge of their lives and experience authentic success. In addition to her work at YSM and her individual coaching practice, Astrid presents workshops at leading conservatories and law firms on topics including Career Planning, Goal-Setting, Time Management, Dynamic Communication, Conflict Management and Personal Branding and Networking.


She is the author of numerous articles on the various aspects of how to achieve and live authentic success.