Metus Host Booter Bot.exe

Download: is the HOD Metus 1.9 Host Booter. I personally think that this is by far the best booter released to public.

It has many fun commands and is very stable. This booter has many different options, such as, hide/show desktop icons, website open, hide/show taskbar, Chat, Reboot, Shutdown, Log out user, close/open cd tray, and much more options! With this booter, you will need around 4 bots to hit a ip offline.

Metus Host Booter Bot.exe Download

Metus host booter bot.exe free

You can now build your bot straight in the booter. Hit file, build server. Enter your no-ip. An example would be, Enter yours under 'Redirect Server'and press create server. Then it will save. This bot has usb auto spread, which means that when you infect a person, it will infect their usb drive, so when they plug it into another computer, that computer will also become infected.

This bot also runs on vista, unlike most other ddosers. This runs on port 3175 and 3176, so you will have to open those ports. If anybody has any other questions, feel free to message me, I will help as much as possible.Extra Tags: XBOX 360New dashboard interface for the Fall.

This update will create an all new Xbox Live experience, as well as add Netflix to all Xbox Live Gold Subscribers for free on their Xbox 360 Marketplace. New avatars for all Xbox Live users, and more!

Xbox 360 microsoft dashboard avatars new experience e3 2008 bringing it home gears of war fall update halo resident evil This is the all new XBOX 360 Dashboard look. It gives you the ability to create an avatar which is like the Nintendo Wii XBOX 360 Experience Dashboard Live Halo. Play from hard drive. Copy your games from the game disc and play directly from the hard drive.

Not only will the drive not spin, but load times are quicker, as well. Of course, you will still need the disc in the tray to prove you own the game.

Access Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web. Browse and purchase Marketplace content whenever you want from and it downloads automatically to your console. Purchase that new map, television episode, the latest Xbox LIVE Arcade game or set up a movie to watch when you computerget home from work. Download movies watch movies online no credit card. Dashboard built into the buyingnew Xbox Guide. For everyone who loves rent the how to free ms points xbox live subscription you tube partner prize rebel cheat engine fire fox i soulja boy bird walk mrfirefalls mrwaterfalls i can get you recon image fake not real do not post illegal banned suspension hacking youtube accounts hotmail yahoo google mail send sent recieved customer service boosting prank Major Nelson shows us how to customize Avatars. Avatars are coming this fall in the Xbox 360 dashboard update The New Xbox 360 Experience, including avatars and new games available for download on the Xbox Live marketplace.

This video was shown at the E3 Press Conference penguin July 14, 2008. The new experience will be availaAuthor: TheBestXboxCheaterKeywords: 'Host booting' Metus IRC Xr Bio 'halo 3' 'gears of war' 'call of duty' hacking cheating 'xbox 360' xbox 'cheat on xbox' haloAdded: December 21, 2008.

Setting Up The No-IP & Client1. Start Off By Going To; And Register. If You Have An Account There Already, Then Just Log In.2. Once You've Logged In, Press 'Add Host'3. Now It's Time To Choose Your Host Name!-//-Hostname: Your Host Name, EG: Host Type: DNS Host (A)Dont Care About The Rest, Once You've Choosen Your Host Name, Press 'Create Host' In The Lower Right Bottom.The Host Is Now Finished! Lets Move On To The No-IP Client.1. The No-IP Client You Downloaded In The Beginning, Extract It To Your Desktop & Install It.2.

Now When You've Installed It, Open It Up & Log In With Your No-ip Username & Password.3. When You're Logged In Press 'Select Hosts' And Then Check That Little Box With Your Hostname.-// Note: Always Have No-IP Open When You Have Cybergate Open!There! Your No-IP Host & Your No-IP Duc Is Now Set Up! (Thanks to. Setting up CyberGates 2.3.0Run CyberGate's Please be sure you put the.exe file into a file as it will create file's:Dnow wait 10 scounds and click I Agree.Now Type in your password and click Remember Password then loginClick login now you will be here:Click control center this will appear.Click start under power:now Do This:1. Click The port that is '999'2.

Click Delete1. Put in the open port into the textbox ontop of Add2. Once did the above click 'Add'3. Highlight the Password textbox that is above 'Show Password'4. Type in your Login Password:D5.

Click the button 'Save':DNow click console Server:Now your server is created:DPortFowarding EASY!You will/would need:Utorrent:Once you have download utorrent please follow bellow!:1. Press 'Randomise Port' ONCE!2. Type port number in for me im going to use 1003. Go to to check if you port is successfully open:D(FOROGT TO CHANGE TO PORT 100 did after the photo:( )Success!!!Hard Way.:Follow this youtube tutorial:Download Simple Portfowaring from:Hope you enjoyed please leave some feed back here thanks:D. Hi all!I'll show you how to send messages on facebook from any account.1 Make an email spoofer or you can useCreate an account onDownload TheUnknown1's E-mail spoofer from and upload it on your 000webhost server.2.

Metus Host Booter Bot.exe Pc

Go to the spoofed account and copy the email adress from the Contact Information and paste the copyed email adress to the Spoofed Email.3. Go to the victims account and copy its facebook name and paste the copyed facebook to the Targets Email. Works only if they made their own link if its number like 35453534 doesnt work. The slave must be online else it wont work.You can use your own account for example.4.

Fill Reply Email: Message Title: Message Body: out in the email spoofer and click on submit.5. The target will get this:Sorry for the bad text my english is bad. This is a complete tutorial on Doxing and Reverting(Hacking Hotmail)For the sake of simplicity, I will be using he instead of he/she and him instead of him/her.FAQWhat is doxing?Doxing is collecting data about the vict­im you are going to revert. This brings us to our next FAQ.What is reverting?Reverting is using your dox to reset the vic­tim's password using the 'reset my password' form.Doxing. Find a vic­tim. Find everything you can about him. Write it downStep oneFind a suitable vic­tim, if he has Facebook, it is all the better.

Metus Host Booter Bot.exe

Find out what social networking sites he is registered on, it will come in handy in the next step.Step twoNext is to find out everything you can about the vic­tim. If you want, you can even stalk him in real life. I advise you use and first because they have a very good searching system. If you want, you can try out these links:Step threeTime to write all of that info down that you collected in step two. Here is a basic form you should fill out before attempting to revert. How To Setup Your Own Shell BooterOkay, so a lot of people don't want to mess around with bots and such, and want to start DDoSing, so I'm making this guide on how to get free shells, and setup a shell booter.

This is great for xbox live booter and such, please note you may need a lot of shells to hit someone off, or it will take a long time. My best suggestion would be to buy dedicated private shells.What Is a Shell Booter?A shell booter uses a series of shells with a flood to send packets to someones router, and the router cannot handle that much packets, and simple no longer allows you to access websites for a short while. A booter can use slowloris POST, and a GET shells. SpoilerUploading and Editing your MySQL Database InformationOnce downloaded the source, zip the folder called source and upload it to your desired host, booters are blocked on hosts such as 000webhost, I personally use offshore web hosting which can be found here:.Once uploaded extract the and enter the folder. Find and locate dbc.php, now edit it like I have shown below, click the spoiler to locate the image. Replace the information with your MySQL information you have just created as shown above, make the user and name the same for less confusion. This tutorial will show you how to make your.exe ( files look like.jpeg/.mp3 or any other filetype!

Host Booter Download

Metus host booter bot.exe pc

By normally changing the extension to e.g.mp3, will corrupt your file, but with this exploit your file will still be executable!1. I have my server.exe, but I want it to look like a mp3 file, so people would run it. In this case, you should change the.exe to.scr to make it look more legit in the end.Now, rename your server.scr (which is still executable) to 'songname uploaded by.SCR' (notice the space).