Cw Bmx Serial Numbers

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Diamondback Bmx Serial Numbers

Wrote:LOOKS like a BSD from pictures I just saw from googling BSD frames, didn't he also say it was a Fit? Seems pretty sketchy. I'd email the serial number to BSD and see if they can verify itthe letters on the right, do they start with a T?looks like it says TOOLO21TOOLOBSD Too Loose 21'?Maybe, look similar anyone?notable things are the gussets, integrated clamp, slightly concave BBmy money's on it being a BSD Too LooseHe mentioned it being a bsd too loose is this a good frame for street I ride really tech and I plan on getting wifi but will this be good for now. Wrote:LOOKS like a BSD from pictures I just saw from googling BSD frames, didn't he also say it was a Fit?

Cw Bmx History

Seems pretty sketchy. I'd email the serial number to BSD and see if they can verify itthe letters on the right, do they start with a T?looks like it says TOOLO21TOOLOBSD Too Loose 21'?Maybe, look similar anyone?notable things are the gussets, integrated clamp, slightly concave BBmy money's on it being a BSD Too LooseYeah could be. I think that's it. I was thinking forever trying to think of frames that start with t o o l o but none came to mind. Good job I think that may be it.